Opinions Writing Preview Assignment

He believes that  Riddance to all the trends and topics of 2017

  1. Written by Katie Holme
  2. About the popular trends of 2017
  3. Katie thinks that 2017 was a great year overall, but we have new opportunities in 2018. " The new year should be a symbol of new opportunities and a reminder to create or accomplish personal goals."
  4. No they did not
  5. Yes, the author talked about how it became a trend and alternative views on why a trend would stay around longer.
  6. No there are not any quotes in the story. 
  7. 1st person 
Apple reaches new low with batteries 

  1. Ian Miller
  2. The iPhone batteries 
  3. He thinks the apple company is attempting to convince people to buy a new phone. " The way I see it, apple's goal with these updates aren't to protect the battery, but rather to promote its newer iPhone models."
  4. No, he did not show the other side of the story. 
  5. No, he was very firm on his opinion.
  6. there are not any quotes
  7. 1st person
Hollywood Speaks out over workplace sexual abuse

  1. Written by Kiran Patel
  2. People sharing personal stories of sexual abuse
  3. There is not a direct personal opinion from the writer
  4. No there were no other sides of the story. 
  5. Yes it was wishy-washy, because there was no opinion given, just information
  6. there are not any quotes
  7. 2nd
Sensationalism is taking over mainstream journalism

  1. Written by Jake Brien 
  2. about news stations doing whatever it takes to gain audience
  3. The writer believes that people should be better informed on the news of America. "The point I'm trying to make is that we as citizens of the United States of America should be better informed on what these stations provide for us."
  4. Yes, it shows the opinions of viewers vs the news stations. 
  5. No, the writer's opinion was very firm. 
  6. there were no quotes in the story
  7. 1st person
Ending Questions 

  1. A hard news story provides more factual information, and firm statements, while not including the thoughts of people. In an opinion piece, the write is mostly trying to convince the audience to support their opinion on what the topic is about. 
  2. There are not many photos on this page because images do not tell a story in this case because the information is very factual or strongly believed, and an image cannot really express that. 
  3. I think three opinion pieces that would be good to write about are the thoughts on EOC and STAAR tests, the new chrome books at the school, and the wonky air conditioning at Bowie High school. 


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