Top 100 Photos

I chose this photo because I love animals, and this perspective is very unique and interesting. Also, the lighting seems very menacing, dark, and creates a cool mood.

I read that around the world, animals are being given less and less space, as humans take up more and more of it. The image was taken by a photographer along the west coast of the continent of Africa. The image is of two hippopotamuses swimming in the blue Atlantic Ocean, which is very unique.

I learned that the photographer, Michael Nichols, went on a very long journey in order to capture this image. He went on a 2000 mile trek to capture animals, in the very minimal space that they have to live in. The photographer spotted these hippos on a beach one morning, and waited all day in order to capture these creatures in the ocean. When these images were shown to the president of the Congo, he immediately took action in conserving many miles of land just for the animals.

Another image by Michael Nichols
Michael Nichols
Born in 1952- present
Born in Alabama
attended the University of Northern Alabama


I chose this photo because it addresses a devastating topic that many people are not aware of today. Also, the black and white filter creates a very attracting look to the picture, as well as a sad and dark mood.

I read that the photographer needed to capture the famine in Somalia, and it was difficult at first. This photo is of a woman waiting to be taken to a feeding center in a wheelbarrow.

In Somalia, food prices soared, and international assistance was''t keeping pace. As a result, the area had become involved in armed conflict. The international Red Cross supported this photographer for his trip to Mogadishu.

Another image by James Nachtwey
James Nachtwey
Born March 14, 1948- present
Born in New York
attended Dartmouth college



I chose this photo because it looks like it was taken a very long time ago during a war, specifically on D-day. This day is very important to the US, and I think it is really cool how people captured stuff from that day.

On Omaha Beach in 1944, a photographer was the single photographer on that beach during a very dangerous battle. The photo is blurred to show a frantic mood of action. Huston Riley was the 22 year old soldier that is show in the image.

I learned that Nazis's had held Riley underwater, and he had to float to shore after resurfacing from restraint. Riley was a Navy soldier, and he was struck multiple times on that beach, but he stayed down to avoid getting hit even more. Robert Capa risked his life in order to capture these photos.

Another Photo taken by Robert Capa: 

Robert Capa
Born October 22. 1922- died May 25, 1954
Born in Austria, Hungary
Berlin University 

I chose this image because there are very many colors, which is appealing to the eye. Also, I love how the image looks like as if someone drew it, and it almost looks unrealistic. The shapes are so unique in this picture because of the gases in space.

In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of the universe and interstellar dust, clouds, and particles. The black area in the top corner is from one of the cameras from The Hubble. A star forming patch of space, called Eagle Nebula, was captured and now is known as The Pillars of Creation.

I learned that in 1990, the Hubble was over-budget, and it was many years behind schedule. Also, it was aboard the Atlantis space shuttle, and had many flaws before being repaired in 1993.

Another picture by the Hubble Space Telescope:
                                                         HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE
                                                       Launched in 1990- still in operation

                                                                        PHOTO 5
I chose this photo because it was taken during the 9/11 attach on the twin towers. It is a very emotional photo because many people chose to jump off that building, and the lines create a lot of balance and symmetry.

When reading about the photo, this image is unique because not many people were photographed during 9/11. The man had decided to jump off one of the Twin towers, and this photographer decided capture that moment. Most other photos were of planes and the falling buildings.

I learned in a video that Richard Drew moved to the towers, he did not move away from it. Hundreds of people were jumping from the towers, but this photo stood out the most. Richard Drew described the photo as it is very "silent" because there is no blood, or pain being shown. The man died, but is still unidentified today.

another photo by Richard Drew
Born in 1946-present


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