What Makes A Killer Timelaspse

This website is about how this photographer captures these very interesting time lapses in Rio, Brazil.  First, he searched up the most interesting things to capture, and went to capture them. His time lapses have a lot of still motion in them, which makes the time lapses so beautiful.

In the video, I saw many different time lapses in Brazil. It showed steam rolling off of waterfalls, cars driving down a busy street, the tides going up and down on beaches. I also saw lifts carrying passengers back and forth, and the sun rising in the morning. All of the tie lapses were over a very long period of time.

The videographer of the video is Joe Capra.

Joe Capra shoots a lot of nature photography, and cities in the night time a lot. He also shoots things from a very unique perspective.

There is a story about the video, and it talks about what led Joe Capra to making the video of time lapses in Brazil. It also says how he selected the interesting and most beautiful places, and captured them to make amazing time lapses throughout the entire city.

I learned that time lapse is very appealing to viewers because it is some action they can see and experience on their own. Also, Rio is a very beautiful place with a variety of views and activities, an dI would like to go there one day.


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