Sensory Overload

1. I think that the statement is very accurate because things that we use in our everyday lives effect us more than things that are around us. Technology, and helpful devices change the way that we view the world and certain situations, as well as how we act towards our environment and society. This makes me feel that there is so much meaning behind the devices and things we use everyday, rather than buildings and structure that is around us.

2. When I looked through the images, I saw a lot of things going on in the images. If I were not a photographer, I would not want to go to that place because it is very anxiety provoking and busy, so I would not know where to look. However, the color in this place is so bright and appealing, so I would  definitely take my camera and visit that place.

3. If I were the child of someone who worked at one of these shops, my life would be full of fun and imagination. In the article, he said that children would ride around on scooters around the center, which seems very fun to me. Since it would be pretty much my second home, I would love the safe and playful environment there.

4. My favorite image is the one with a ton of stuffed bears, characters, and animals. I really like this photo because of the linear patterns on the shelf, which is very clean and neat. I also love how there is an abundance of white in the picture, which gives off a positive mood towards the viewer. Lastly, the woman's face ties the picture together, because she has a big smile on her face naturally. It really  almost shows how much she enjoys and loves her job at this colorful place.


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