
Showing posts from March, 2018

Opinions Writing Preview Assignment

He believes that  Riddance to all the trends and topics of 2017 Written by Katie Holme About the popular trends of 2017 Katie thinks that 2017 was a great year overall, but we have new opportunities in 2018. " The new year should be a symbol of new opportunities and a reminder to create or accomplish personal goals." No they did not Yes, the author talked about how it became a trend and alternative views on why a trend would stay around longer. No there are not any quotes in the story.  1st person  Apple reaches new low with batteries  Ian Miller The iPhone batteries  He thinks the apple company is attempting to convince people to buy a new phone. " The way I see it, apple's goal with these updates aren't to protect the battery, but rather to promote its newer iPhone models." No, he did not show the other side of the story.  No, he was very firm on his opinion. there are not any quotes 1st person Hollywood Speaks out over workplace

iMovie Tutorials

Website 1:           On this website, I first learned how to import a video from your camera onto iMovie. After the video is selected, I learned how to create a 'New Event' on my computer in iMovie. When a video you import is kind of shaky, you can stabilize the video to make it look still. Once the images or videos are in, you can enhance the photos in many ways. You can pick a theme to give your photos their own unique look to them. Also, you have to pick what frame you want for your imported images or videos so they fit evenly throughout your movie. To clean up your movie, you have to add a transition between all of your content. For the cover of your movie, you can choose  a thumbnail for your iMovie to make it look more professional. Website 2: The second website taught me how to manipulate and edit content or your iMovie. This tutorial showed me how to make a clean and sharp trim in video footage so nothing looks messy. You can also split a clip, or move a video/pic

Earthquake Story

 On Monday morning at 8:12 a.m., an earthquake struck the San Fransisco Bay Area, affecting many people in that area. The earthquake occurred due to the movement of tectonic plates. many people were affected by the earthquake in different ways. McHenry's Auto Supply building was partially destroyed and collapsed. Public Information officer of Hayward Fire Department  Jennifer Vu provide information on the severity of the collapsed building. "As a result, two people were killed and six others were injured from the building," Public Information officer of Hayward Fire Department Vu said. "I felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt coming in the middle,"Resident of an apartment across the building Mike Beamer said. Beamer found a place for safety as soon as the earthquake began and the building collapsed. "I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window,

Huntington Story

On Wednesday around 10 P.M., Janice Jones was shot in the leg in her motor home because her dog knocked over the gun, which then fired accidentally.   Janice was eating pork chops when the gun fell over onto the floor. Her motor home was in Barstow, California, near Highway1. The 9mm gun fell off of the seat and immediately fired. "After the gun fired, the bullet went through my leg and hit the side of my vehicle," Jones said.   Highway Patrol officer Tammy Rye is staying positive about the incident. "It could have been much worse, the bullet hit two inches from the gas tank,"  highway patrol Rye said.  Jones was soon treated for the wound properly after the incident.  "Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and was later transported to Irvine medical Center," highway patrol Rye said.  Animal Control Officer Janet Ngo noticed that the dog seemed malnourished and had cigarette burns on its forehea

Nut Graf

                A Nut Graf is a paragraph that explains the news details of a story. The news style of writing is used most often. The first paragraph states the basic facts of what is happening. In the Nut Graf, the essential facts are listed. The nut graph justifies the tory to convince the readers why they should care about this topic. After the lead paragraph, the Nut graf serves as a transition between the main points and the details of the story.                 In the previous inverted pyramid, those aspects are a guide to writing a nut graph. Many people say that the Nut Graph is the most important part of the story. In a nut graph, you want to make sure you do not give away the ending of the story, that should be in another paragraph. At the beginning of the nut graph, you should have a hook that hooks the readers into reading more about the story.

Student Of The Month Story

Who- Mackenzie Brown What- Student of The Month award Where- Bowie Hight School When- 2018-2019 Why- Because they are a hard working student.   How- They were elected Mackenzie Brown, student at Bowie High School, has been elected as the Student of The Month of December in the year of 2018-2019 for her hard work during school.         Mackenzie believes that she has done many things that helped her be elected as Student of The Month. "I work hard, make good grades, and vote my time to my school," Student Brown said. Other people agree that Brown always tries her best in everything, whether it is perfect or not. "Mackenzie makes mistakes just like everyone else does, but she tries to do her best no matter what," Principle Mr. Robinson said. Brown has made very good grades this school year, as a result of her devotion to school. "I usually get straight A's, and if there is a B, I stay after school to fix those grades,&quo

Inverted Pyramid


My First Interview

Why do you think you should be SOTM? I should be SOTM because I work hard, make good grades, and devote my time to school.  What makes you a good student and role model? I love to go to school, and I help my friends whenever they need it.  What traits do you think makes a student a good role model? I believe that staying in school, studying, obeying rules, and not partaking in drugs or alcohol makes a good role model. What do your grades generally look like? Straight A's and if there is a B, I stay after school for tutoring. Do you think you make good grades by luck or hard work? I think I work really hard but a part of it could be luck.  Do you always try your best in everything? I don't always try my best in everything, but I make sure I'm trying at least a little in everything. Do you think it's okay to make mistakes sometimes? Yes, it is okay to make mistakes because you learn from your mistakes. What is the class you enjoy the most? I enjoy Math because

Student of The Month

Why do you think you should be the SOTM? What makes you a good student and role model? What traits do you think makes a student a good role model? Why do your grades generally look like? Do you think you make good grades by luck or hard work? Do you always try your best in everything? Do you think it's okay to make mistakes sometimes? What is the class you enjoy the most? What class do you make the best grades in? What is your least favorite class and why? Do you try to always turn in work on time? Do you help students learn material? How do you prepare for tests? Who is you you favorite teacher? Why is that person your favorite teacher? What college do you want to go to? Why do you want to go to that school?  Who else would you recommend to be the SOTM? What do you think is unique about your personality? What extra- curricular activities are you involved in?

School Uniforms

1. I would interview a teacher, the principle, and a student that attends the school. Why do you think our school needs uniforms? How do you feel about school uniforms? What do other people think about this? What colors do you think the uniforms should be? Will boys and girls have different uniforms? Are there going to be uniforms according to the weather? Will there be required shoes for the dress code? Is jewelry allowed with the uniforms? Do you think people are going to follow the uniforms 100%? Will there be any consequences for people that break the new dress code? Who will be enforcing the uniforms? Will teachers have to follow the uniforms also? Do you think this uniform will make the school "a better learning environment"? When will the new uniform be enforced? Is the uniform required or encouraged? Are their rules on what hair style students should have? Why is everyone feeling this way about the uniforms? Is there a specific reason as to why th

Architecture Pictures

Light Patterns Surroundings Angles and shapes Detail